
Current Board Members

Shirley Kricheldorf – Chair

Anne Marie Mol – Director

Jen Bailey – Secretary

Natalie Affolter – Director

Lareina Woode – Director

Kim Mushynsky – Treasurer 

Join the Crew

Interested in volunteering? We’d love to hear from you

Háw'aa Thank You to all our donors

The Dixon Entrance Maritime Museum (DEMM) would like to acknowledge those who gave so generously to the Museum. Thank you for your support!

North Coast Regional District 

Gwaii Trust

BC Heritage Foundation

To all the local businesses and artisans who have generously donated to fundraisers over the years.

And to the many many citizens and story-keepers who donated or loaned artefacts, images and stories to the collection making the museum the little treasure of history that it is.

If you or your business is interested in becoming a sponsor for any of the exhibits, please contact the treasurer.


In addition to annual grants and project grants, the DEMM often requires to fund-raise to cover operating costs. The favourite social event of the fall season has been the Art and Appies Christmas Auction and Social. This couldn’t happen without the generous donations of auction items and appetizers by local businesses and volunteers. Many thanks to the volunteer board members and friends who made it happen.

Pre-covid, we raised enough to cover almost all operating. Check social media for any upcoming event


Interested in supporting the museum? We’d love to hear from you

Founding member and first chair of the board, David Phillips with major artefact donor Howard Phillips.
Founding board members during early construction phase (from left to right): Jack Thorgeirson (director and Village of Masset rep.), Jenny Nelson (director), Dot Lewis (treasurer), Faith Thorgeirson (secretary) and Harvey Smerychynski (Vice-Chairperson). Missing board members: photographer (director Janeen Hartley).